Finally I went to visit dentist today. My right lower grow a molar and made my face swollen. It's painful. Luckily I got my dear friend Maggie who accompany me for whole day. Feel myself being cheated by the stupid dentist. After doing the stupid simple checking, I requested for a MC letter(Medical Certificate), his assistant charged that for another RM 1 and claimed that they need to have extra charge for printing the booklet! What an good excuse for saying so! Make me feel wanna puke! *LOUSY*
After visiting that "funny" dental, we walked under an umbrella, *so romantic* Hehe no but because today is a rainy day~ and finally... we saw a place that can let us have a good talk to each other -> Dagan Cafe
We spend few hours in the cafe while waiting for Maggie's sister. The bill came in about twenty ringgit and Maggie cleared the bill for us. Thank for the treat ya Maggie. Next time I'm sure to treat you back.

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