I was unable to blog everyday. Irritated about my computer, it really annoyed me when I couldn't start my computer when I wants to. I am bad tempered, impatience again. I was told by dear that I have to be more patient in doing everything. I'm still trying to correct my bad characters. Please do pardon me for all the mistakes I've made. *Thanks a lot*
Delta worker fired for blog photos A former Delta flight attendant is suing the airline after she says she was fired weeks after posting photos of herself in uniform on her personal Internet Web site -- or "blog." Ellen Simonetti was based in ... You must be a genius, right? I love your blog. I definitely going to bookmark you!
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Delta worker fired for blog photos
A former Delta flight attendant is suing the airline after she says she was fired weeks after posting photos of herself in uniform on her personal Internet Web site -- or "blog." Ellen Simonetti was based in ...
You must be a genius, right? I love your blog. I definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a quick cash site. It pretty covers quick cash related stuff.
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