Friday, July 8


Actually I'm feeling down, especially today after teaching. My students annoyed me and so, I yelled at those I dislike. I lost my temper toward them. I feel myself... lost my self-esteem infront of them. Nowadays, children doesn't respect their teacher at all. I'm totally sad about this. Luckily, there are still some others which are sensible and have good manners. Think about the others makes me feel comfort.
So many things that vexed me. I do not get along very well with some of the young colleagues. Therefore, when I'm in the office during free periods, I'll just sitting down, try to get busy with my works. *actually there are not so much works for me* But I prefer not to talk so much with them because I think it is meaningless when you talk with someone who hide a dagger in a smile.
My life is getting tough. I had went through so many unhappy matters. And now I always worry about my own future. Everytime it reminds me, I feel like crying... * Hope things will get better for me *
Anyway, I shall carry on with my life. Face all the difficulty,reality bravely. Maybe all these will strengthen me, if I think in a positive way. I still will continue my works in school until the end of this year. And plan for a new life together with my boy, if possibly.
Argh... tomorrow still need to attend to school for extra activity work... after that will have my driving class again... *tremble*
Last, good night to whoever who read this right now. See you guys!